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Windy Gap Project


Windy Gap Reservoir is located just west of Granby near the confluence of the Fraser and Colorado Rivers (see map to the left).  This project is a 27 foot high diversion dam on the Colorado River, a 445-acre foot reservoir, a pumping plant, and a 6 mile pipeline to Lake Granby.  This project delivers an average of 48,000 acre feet annually (between April and July).  During spring runoff, Fraser River water is pumped from the reservoir to Lake Granby where it enters the Alva B. Adams Tunnel and becomes part of the Colorado-Big Thompson Project.  Northern Water Municipal Subdistrict owns the project and is made up of six Front Range communities (Boulder, Estes Park, Fort Collins, Greeley, Longmont and Loveland).  The reservoir was constructed in 1985.  The Windy Gap Firming Project would allow Chimney Hollow Reservoir to be constructed on the east slope that will allow additional delivery of Colorado River water to Front Range cities. Be sure to visit the Current News section for up to date information on the Windy Gap Bypass and Firming projects.

Water Flow:

Windy Gap reservoir is a mix of Colorado River, Fraser River and Willow Creek waters.  The water is pumped through the Windy Gap Pipeline to Lake Granby.  From Lake Granby it is pumped to the Granby Pump Canal via the Farr Pump Plant, where it then flows to Shadow Mountain Reservoir through a connecting channel to Grand Lake.  From there, the water enters the Alva B. Adams Tunnel and is  distributed to the east slope via the Colorado-Big Thompson Project.  See map to the left.

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